University Name, Seals and Trademarks

The Chancellor has delegated the authority for the use of the UC Berkeley name and Berkeley seal to the Vice Chancellors, with respect to their areas of jurisdiction. Authority for use of the name, seal, and trademarks in business and commercial areas has been delegated to the Vice Chancellor of Administration, who has redelegated this authority to the Office of Business Contracts and Brand Protection (BCBP). 

The Licensing Manager for the Office of Business Contracts and Brand Protection is responsible for reviewing and authorizing:

  • The use of the Berkeley seal, Berkeley trademarks and the UC Berkeley name in the manufacture, distribution, marketing and advertising of commercial and consumer products and services;
  • The use of the UC Berkeley name and affiliation by non-University, but campus-related, entities; and
  • Contracts involving the use of the UC Berkeley name and trademarks.

Administrative officials are responsible for reviewing and authorizing the use of the UC Berkeley name by sponsored departmental organizations, such as staff associations, and others under their jurisdiction.

The Vice Chancellor, University Development and Alumni Relations is responsible for authorizing, monitoring, and controlling the use of the UC Berkeley name by recognized support groups, in accordance with Regents Policy 5203: Policy on Support Groups, Campus Foundations, and Alumni Associations and the Administrative Guidelines for Support Groups

See the Policy on the Use of the University's Name, Seals, and Trademarks and frequently asked questions and guidelines for using the name and trademarks.

If there is a possibility that the use of the UC Berkeley name, Berkeley seal, and/or Berkeley trademarks by campus organizations or groups or individual employees might be construed to imply University endorsement, support, favor of, association with, or opposition to any activity, program, event, policy, political and/or social movement, product, service, candidate for political office, or the like, the organization, group, or individual employee must issue a disclaimer of University involvement.